









那是在上海的新天安堂,位于外白渡桥西南的苏州河畔。1890年5月7日至20日,在华新教传教士大会于上海举行,除了首日在兰心戏院(Lyceum Theatre,1874—1929),其余都在戏院近旁的新天安堂。<3>


新天安堂和兰心戏院所在地,处于外滩(The Bund,来自波斯语,堤岸)北端,是西方人在近现代上海最早开拓的区域之一。附近的重要机构包括英国驻上海总领事馆,以及美国北方长老会差会的出版社——美华书馆(American Presbyterian Mission Press)。 <4>


根据英国圣书公会(British and Foreign Bible Society)在1920年发表的年报,日本的印刷厂因受第一次世界大战(1914—1918)影响无法正常运行,上海的商务印书馆及其它印厂在印制各种版本的圣经方面起到了关键作用。<5>

新天安堂的英文名字“Union Church”(联合教堂)与“Union Version”(和合本)有着显然相似的背景,就是都不限于一个宗派。

新天安堂的前身,是1864至1866年间建于山东路的天安堂。在那之前,则是1845年开始聚会的联合礼拜堂(Union Chapel),牧师是英国伦敦会传教士麦都思(Walter Henry Medhurst,1796—1857)。

麦都思创办的墨海书馆(London Missionary Society Press)是中国大陆最早的现代西式出版和印刷机构。而他参与出版的文理委办译本(Delegates’ Version)圣经和南京官话译本新约,对于1919年文理及官话和合本的出版都有影响。

天安堂的聚会者,既有英国不同宗派的“不从国教者”[nonconformists,亦通称为自由教会(Free Church)成员],也有中国基督徒。



设计此堂的苏格兰建筑师威廉·道达(William Dowdall,1842—1929),其作品还有上海徐家汇的圣依纳爵主教座堂(St. Ignatius Cathedral)。<6>






<1> Student Demonstration, Tiananmen Square, Peking, November 29, 1919,  Sidney D. Gamble Photographs, David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Duke University, https://library.duke.edu/digitalcollections/gamble_312-1783/.

<2> 王双,“天安门”,《文津流觞》,北京:中国国家图书馆古籍馆,2014年第4期,总第四十八期。李松龄,“木材厂中发现天安门匾额,上面竟是‘天安之门’ ”, 《北京日报▪旧京图说》,2019年3月14日。“为人者天”,《春秋繁露》,《四部丛刊初编》,上海涵芬楼景印武英殿聚珍版本(乾隆甲午本),https://ctext.org/library.pl?if=gb&file=77374&page=39。Erich Hauer, “Why the Sinologue Should Study Manchu”, Journal of the North China Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, For the Year 1930, Vol. LXI (Shanghai: Kelly & Walsh, 1930), 157-164.

<3> Records of the General Conference of the Protestant Missionaries of China Held at Shanghai, May 7-20, 1890 (Shanghai: American Presbyterian Mission Press, 1890), x, xxv-xxxvi, lxv-lxviii.

<4> C. E. Darwent, Shanghai: A handbook for travellers and residents to the chief objects of interest in and around the foreign settlements and native city (Shanghai: Kelly and Walsh, 1904), 26-27, 152-153. Jin Fu,Chinese Theatre (Cambridge University Press, 2012), 91. Jonathan P. J. Stock, Huju: Traditional Opera in Modern Shanghai (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003), 106-107.  Garland Cannon and Alan S. Kaye, The Persian Contributions to the English Language: An Historical Dictionary (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2001), 72. “Lyceum”,音译为兰心,源自“Λύκειον”(Lykeion),原指代雅典学园,名字取自学园附近的阿波罗神庙,如今也指世界有些地方的中学学制,参见:C. C. Felton,  A Greek Reader,  for the use of schools; containing selections in prose and poetry, with English notes and a lexicon (Hartford: H. Huntington, Jun., 1840), 385.

<5> Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science, Volume 24, Printers and Printing to Public Policy, Copyright, Executive Editors: Allen Kent, Harold Lancour, Jay E. Daily (New York: Marcel Dekker, 1978), 83-87. Christopher A. Reed, Gutenberg in Shanghai: Chinese Print Capitalism, 1876-1937 (Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 2004), 188-191. The Hundred and Sixteenth Report of the British and Foreign Bible Society: For the Year Ending March MCMXX, with appendix and a list of subscribers and benefactors(London: The Bible House, 1920), 167.

<6> C. E. Darwent, Shanghai: A handbook for travellers and residents to the chief objects of interest in and around the foreign settlements and native city (Shanghai: Kelly and Walsh, 1904), 25-27. W. C. M., “Memoir of the Late Rev. Dr. Medhurst”, The Evangelical Magazine and Missionary Chronicle, Vol. XXXV (London: Ward and Co., 1857), 524-529. Xiantao Zhang, The Origins of the Modern Chinese Press: The Influence of the Protestant Missionary Press in Late Qing China (London: Routledge, 2007), 106. Jost Oliver Zetzsche, The Bible in China: The History of the Union Version or the Culmination of Protestant Missionary Bible Translation in China (Nettetal: Steyler Verlag, 1999), 77-103, 141-143. Twentieth Century Impressions of Hongkong, Shanghai, and Other Treaty Ports of China: Their History, People, Commerce, Industries, and Resources, Editor-in-Chief: Arnold Wright, Assistant Editor: H. A. Cartwright (London: Lloyd’s Greater Britain Publishing Company, Ltd., 1908), 336. H. Lang, Shanghai Considered Socially, A Lecture (Shanghai: American Presbyterian Mission Press, 1875), 40. Encyclopedia of 20th-Century Architecture, Volume 1, edited by R. Stephen Sennott (New York: Fitzroy Dearborn, 2004), 469.

<7> Michelle Qiao, “Union Church outlasts 128 years of trials”, Shanghai Daily, December 24, 2013, https://archive.shine.cn/feature/art-and-culture/Union-Church-outlasts-128-years-of-trials/shdaily.shtml.



学生游行,天安门前,北京,1919年11月29日。Sidney D. Gamble Photographs, David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Duke University, https://library.duke.edu/digitalcollections/gamble_312-1783/.




Twentieth Century Impressions of Hongkong, Shanghai, and Other Treaty Ports of China: Their History, People, Commerce, Industries, and Resources, Editor-in-Chief: Arnold Wright, Assistant Editor: H. A. Cartwright (London: Lloyd’s Greater Britain Publishing Company, Ltd., 1908), 336.

C. E. Darwent, Shanghai: A handbook for travellers and residents to the chief objects of interest in and around the foreign settlements and native city (Shanghai: Kelly and Walsh, 1904), 26.









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